In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Month: July 2020

  • The Gaze Blank and Pitiless


    WB Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming” was written almost exactly a century ago, but if it’s possible for a poem to become truer still with age, then surely this one does. And yet…Yeats wrote his poem in 1919, in the aftermath of the First World War and the beginning of the Irish War of Independence…

  • West of Caritas


    “The Conversion of Saul” by Michelangelo, Pauline Chapel fresco, Vatican City.   This “I” we each inherit, made spine of the world, axis, pole, look-out from the world’s helm gazing on the universe, gazing on you, gazing on death…   “Mummy,” I said, seven or eight years old, “I have decided that I am God.”…

  • A Sentence Called Humanity


    … continue reading

  • Word Play


    “What is the purpose of poetry ?” I ask myself. Sometimes I find this question simple to answer. And sometimes the answer itself  is simple. The purpose of poetry is to work.… continue reading

  • I See Everywhere the False


    I thought this was true in 2014, when it was written. I did not know then that the truth can become truer.… continue reading