We’ve already met Dr Doombeetle in these stanzas, of course. He is Dominic Cummings, who first came to general notice as advisor to Mr Michael Gove at the Dept of Education (Mr Gove has previously appeared in these stanzas too, to be precise the 7th one – see “Jetsam Gove” in “Parrot Speaks of the Brexit Agon (2)” ).
One or another of the pair came up with the term “The Blob” as a genial description of the nation’s teaching profession. Mr Cummings does like taking people on and screwing them.
Next, he seems to have played a very leading role in the “Leave Campaign” and came up with that clever and wickedly misleading “Take Back Control” slogan.
And now, towards the end of 2019, from deep within his t-shirt, he seems to be running Mr Toad.