Category: abuse of free speech
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For relevant Notes, see previous post !… continue reading
Notes : The Parrot has been speechless for quite a while now. But in the fairly recent past, leading up to the UK Brexit vote, this bird in a cage had quite a lot to say. See Parrot-Addenda-distilled-2.pdf ( The Parrot is an old friend of mine, borrowed from John Skelton, a poet in…
September 6th was, of course, the date on which Mr Johnson stood down as prime minister of the UK. On the other hand, the poem (in its two parts) might be described as a celebration of adolescence, a developmental stage in which the growing human being discovers and explores self, its wonders, its powers and…
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Unworthiness Amok at Number Ten
After a week-end of celebration in praise of an honourable Queen, we in the UK are now entering a week which might prove quite troublesome for a dishonourable Prime Minister. He, his allies and their works remind me of a sentence on the back of a novel called “The Possessed” by Fyodor Dostoevsky : “The…
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