Category: Europe
Nothing Clear
The first line of this is a direct quote from a long satire in rhyme royal stanzas by the poet John Skelton, writing in the early part of the reign of Henry 8th. The rest is a description of where we seem to be at the moment. … continue reading
A Brief Word from the Parrot
Let the Parrot have a brief word from the top of his tower, that cage with a view, overlooking a nation still suffering from its flood of lies. (for the reference, see ‘Parrot Addenda‘ in the right hand margin of this home page !) It looks as if, at last, Mr Toad (of a newly…
September 6th was, of course, the date on which Mr Johnson stood down as prime minister of the UK. On the other hand, the poem (in its two parts) might be described as a celebration of adolescence, a developmental stage in which the growing human being discovers and explores self, its wonders, its powers and…
Unworthiness Amok at Number Ten
After a week-end of celebration in praise of an honourable Queen, we in the UK are now entering a week which might prove quite troublesome for a dishonourable Prime Minister. He, his allies and their works remind me of a sentence on the back of a novel called “The Possessed” by Fyodor Dostoevsky : “The…
Footnote : The words at the head of this poem, from Shakespeare’s play Henry VI, are spoken by the man about to become Richard III. In the play, he has just finished murdering the rightful king, Henry VI. … continue reading