Category: Poetry
The Shadow Winking
Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have uploaded these lines yesterday, Good Friday. On Good Friday this year, the highest number of coronavirus deaths so far was recorded in the UK.… continue reading
A Second Song of I and Thou
There are two themes at work is this series of “songs”. One is I and Thou. The other is I and My Shadow. I am alternating the themes each day, like plaiting a piece of string. So for this third song, here is I and Thou again. Of course I and you are absolutely separate…
Songs from our Seclusion (congratulations, Keir Starmer)
What can poetry offer our enforced Corvid-19 seclusion, this locked-in time of question, tension, upset and loss, this desert time ? In some eras and cultures, poetry has played and still plays a major role in the community’s life. In others, barely any. And only partly does that depend on how good the poets are.…