Category: Poetry
The Inn this Advent
Photograph by Robert Atanasoski/AFP/Getty Images. Expulsion I heard this song tonight from the desert the shelters below ground there and the wrecked homes and I heard it from the grey waters just south of Europe, with winter coming on and the boat leaking and from the guard posts and barbed frontiers that now cover a…
Truth tells – another time
Aortal Bleeding Perhaps our Creator lacks a mind and therefore had no plan for how yours and mine would work. In which case our lives and history are just a continuous accident like a river nosing downhill chancing on points of give. But it’s hard not to decipher a certain deliberation verging on cruelty in…
Going to Work
The leaves are sodden they’ll take months to become useful again. I bagged them today in a world so warm I used my fingers to rake the grass clear of their wet colours. I imagine them now as I write with the wind getting up and the fox stirring for his scavenge through the…
Dignity and Light
Two new poem collections are about to be uploaded on the website of the project I run, called “Poems for…“. One of them is on Learning Disability and is called “Poems for… Bridges to Learning Disability” The other is on mental ill-health and is called “Poems for…Self at Sea“. The poems in both collections bring……
Poems for United Response (2)
United Response is a UK registered charity which supports people who have disabilities. It aims to help them fulfill themselves in the community. It seeks to ensure they receive their basic human rights. It is one of many good organisations seeking to maintain and strengthen our society’s bindings, in times and under leaders seemingly intent…
Despatches to my Gazan Son
At the end of last year I translated into English a long poem by the distinguished Turkish poet Cahit Koytak. In Turkish, the poem is called “Gazze Risalesi.” It was written in 2008, but could just as easily have been composed last Summer, during the Israeli bombings which took place then, too. It seems that…
Poems for United Response
United Response is a registered charity which supports people who have disabilities. It aims to help them fulfill themselves and be less isolated in our community. It seeks to ensure they receive their basic human rights. In mentioning this particular organisation here, I am not seeking to advertise it at the possible expense of others…
Day Naught (Friday 8th May 2015)
We wake to fangs and lowered eyes and a few new sound-bites for breakfast. Davie.orc sees true that five more years of effing tories call for a sugary word or two to sweeten the toad of his venomous victory. “Talk ‘fairness’ chaps,” he glows to his new cabinet. “Sound all nice again.” Round the corner,…