In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: Poetry

  • If I Am Already Broken


    sculpture by Dorothy Love at… continue reading

  • The ground underfoot has a thin crust these days but we’re still talking


    On Saturday  May 7th, I spoke at a conference at Warwick University. It was called “2nd International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine”. I gave a short power-point presentation and read a paper. Here is the power-point and here is the paper. This version of the latter is slightly longer than the one I actually read. I…

  • After Rain


    sculpture by Dorothy Love at… continue reading

  • The “Poems for…” project – a new collection has been uploaded , crossing new frontiers


    A new collection of mainly bilingual poems has been uploaded on the Poems for… website. It consists of sixty poems, most of them bilingual. Eventually this sixty will join and become one with the collection of forty five poems  launched a few years ago, called “Poems for… One World.” The new collection has taken three…

  • Talking of Art – why write poetry ?


    Someone asked me recently for my thoughts on why  I still seem to write poetry, despite everything. This was my reply : …I think a lot of your day can flood out your sense of self. Writing a poem is a way of restoring your own distinctness and boundaries. The world can silence you. The…

  • And what is Art for, then ?


    For the first time on this blog, on this New Year’s Day, I want simply to report on something I did recently. I’m proud of it, but am also still absorbing what it meant. Half way through December, I ran a “Mental Health Arts” evening in a church assembly room, part of an inner-city church…

  • Augustin stands…


    sculpture by Dorothy Love at proposition… continue reading

  • Red Squirrels


    … continue reading