In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: tax

  • Posted:

      This poem is another written recently and pretty fast, though some aspects of it have been fermenting for quite a while, I suspect.  But the immediate catalyst was Prime Minister’s Question Time last Wednesday (November 30th). Starmer talked about Winchester College (public school) and the exemption from VAT enjoyed by these long-established playing fields…

  • Message to Andy


    After the May election, I joined the Labour Party. Since then I have been inundated by messages from an extraordinary number of Labour representatives, each passionately keen to get virtually personal with me. These include each of the present Party Leader candidates, as well as candidates for the Deputy Leader, all of whom, of course,…

  • Truth or Lie – which to vote for in May ?


    For me, one of the best news items in recent days has been Peter Oborne’s resignation from The Telegraph on a point of principle. I hadn’t even heard his name before, but suddenly here he is, more prominent and sharply focused than almost anything else in the parade of parrot heads and slogans we are…

  • What is this world? What asketh men to have ?


    There was once a teacher whose words had unusual power. Crowds gathered wherever he spoke.  But somehow and at the same time, his mere presence seemed to threaten all order and decorum in the city.  With wonderful persuasiveness, he seemed to be calling a whole way of life into question. He was advocating change, astonishing…