Category: Truth Telling
A Toad Delivers the Tory Manifesto
The Parrot is tiring overhead. He lacks the staying power of the swift and a Bird of Paradise needs a foothold on the Earth. But now he’s heard the UK Prime Minister announce the Tory manifesto for the UK’s immediate future, having first “got Brexit done.”… continue reading
At Last the Toad Reveals Himself
The other night, in Sheffield, there was a BBC Question-Time session, in which the audience was able to question four UK political leaders in turn, only one of whom is a worthy leader, the one not eligible to be the Prime Minister. Nicola Sturgeon’s presence there was puzzling but useful as a reminder of true…
The Parrot from on High Speaks of Democracy
As our General Election continues, and in the light of much of its content, we might ask this question : what is the difference between an election and an auction ? Answer 1 : at an auction, cheats need to be more careful than at an election, as we punters get a better chance to…
The Parrot Views the Earth from Afar
The UK General Election presently in progress begs the question whether there is any difference in quality of democratic process between a Referendum and an Election. Both seem to involve a lot of lying at high volume, a lot of propaganda ditto, and various other forms of manipulation and trickery – whatever their perpetrators can…
The Parrot Lectures to Himself
This was written on Sunday 20th. Saturday’s huge demonstration in London was still being digested. But would it have any impact ? The right wing propaganda rags had gone beserk in their Sunday issues, more concerned with Parliament’s defiance of the Toad than anything the march might imply. Courage had been shown in the House,…
The Parrot’s Third Lecture
The stanza was written on Saturday 19th October, yet another of those “crunch days.” Another enormous march took place in London, in support of a “Final say ” referendum. On the same day, Prime Minister Johnson had been expected to present his Brexit “agreement” to parliament, giving it virtually no opportunity to peruse the detail.…
Eye to Eye with a Right Hon Toad
This latest stanza was written after news came though yesterday evening that Damian Green MP had spoken with Mr Toad MP, Prime Minister, “eye to eye” and been reassured by the Toad’s word on it. But Mr Toad does not have a word. Does Mr Green ? See the link to the relevant article here. …
An Exhibition of Bilingual Poems
I’m uploading below a set of photographs of an exhibition I organised a few months ago, in Clifton Cathedral, Bristol. The picture above is just one example. Several pictures show, as this does, how the exhibition looked in its setting. Several more show single poems close up, the words made somehow even stronger in their…