In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk
  • The Value of our Distress

    I equate “value” with “quality” and both of these with the right hand side of the brain.


  • Where Connection Takes Place

    It is much easier to talk about love and community etc, than it is to comtemplate truthfully, make peace with and embrace your own shadow, this inescapable following aspect of you, lacking clear features. But acknowledgement of the shadow, understanding of it, openness to it, makes real love possible.


  • Let me Keep my Feet

    In the world we’ve made, the hyphen between I and Thou becomes a surf-board, the hyphen-rider poised, precarious at all times.


  • The Establishing of Ground

    The reference here is to a book and an image I keep referring to. It is called “I and Thou” and is by Martin Buber.

    Buber compares two essential ways of reaching out beyond the Self to meet the world : one is I – It (my object) and the other I – Thou (my neighbour).

    In I-It mode, I am the sole centre. I reach out beyond my Self as to my object, my study. I measure. I seek to use.

    In I -Thou mode, I remain the centre but so too is that which I have met. We are equally central, equally sacred. 


  • The Shadow Winking

    Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have uploaded these lines yesterday, Good Friday. On Good Friday this year, the highest number of coronavirus deaths so far was recorded in the UK.
