In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Poems for… Self at Sea


Go to for a new collection of 30 poems on mental distress. Various authors have contributed, some of them psychiatric in-patients, one a prisoner. The video is a recording of my voice as I read each short poem. You can see the text of the poem onscreen at the same time.

It has taken several years to put the collection together. It was funded by NHS Westminster and launched in Bristol last Autumn by the charity United Response.

How to publish/display/promote the collection ? United Response has produced a booklet. And of course the separate pdf posters can be enlarged from A4.

But this latest audio-visual combination is a newer possibility. It has taken us a while to produce it, but suddenly a few days ago we had the finished article.

Might someone find this collection useful during Mental Health Week ? The poems can be projected onto walls, outside or inside, displayed one after the other. The sound can be switched off. Or kept on.

You need to run it with the High Resolution option active. Click on the cog shape along the base of the Youtube screen on the right. Then click on “Quality” and choose the top option from the list provided there.