In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Tag: Community

  • Where to Look for Answers ?


    Post Brexit, despair floods in, layer by layer ; the lamentable result itself, how it was arrived at, and the background from which the mayhem welled up, now cascading all over us. Any space anywhere for hope ? In search of hope, where might we expect to look ? To the steppe from whence the…

  • How can we Defend Free Speech from the Lie ?


    This piece follows the recent UK referendum on our membership of the EU. Both the quality of the debate and the “decision” that came out of it have left many millions of people reeling and horrified. But how was that decision arrived at ? Why do so many of us find it impossible to accept…

  • Post-Referendum First Thoughts


    At the time of writing, Britain is faced with what the experienced commentator Michael White has described as the worst political crisis of his lifetime. Not just our political parties, but much of our democratic process seem to be imploding. It seems that, having voted to break away from the EU, our nation itself feels…

  • Truth tells – another time


    Aortal Bleeding Perhaps our Creator lacks a mind and therefore had no plan for how yours and mine would work. In which case our lives and history are just a continuous accident like a river nosing downhill chancing on points of give. But it’s hard not to decipher a certain deliberation verging on cruelty in…

  • Message to Andy


    After the May election, I joined the Labour Party. Since then I have been inundated by messages from an extraordinary number of Labour representatives, each passionately keen to get virtually personal with me. These include each of the present Party Leader candidates, as well as candidates for the Deputy Leader, all of whom, of course,…

  • Truth or Lie – which to vote for in May ?


    For me, one of the best news items in recent days has been Peter Oborne’s resignation from The Telegraph on a point of principle. I hadn’t even heard his name before, but suddenly here he is, more prominent and sharply focused than almost anything else in the parade of parrot heads and slogans we are…

  • Wrestling with my Shadow


      My shadow dogs my path. It dwarfs me, this daemon, this desolate god. Could I live shadow-free ? Would I fly ? What would be left of me ?   Here are some more thoughts on the shadow :   First Sightings   I can say this with real pride : no one but…

  • I and Thou and Charlie


    In the early 1990’s, I wrote a series of poems called “I hyphen Thou”. The poems explored the image of the hyphen and were suggested by a book by the philosopher/theologian Martin Buber called “I and Thou.” The idea of the hyphen is an old favourite of mine. In fact I run a small charity…