Tag: Martin Buber "I and Thou"
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The True, the Between, the Forming
This is the penultimate seclusion song of this series, in which the hyphen between I and Thou has alternated each day with the shadow.… continue reading
The Deployment of Force
Still on the subject of feet and their deployment, I ask myself this question : where am I to stand in the hallways of The Lie ? Here is my answer : on the hyphen between I and Thou, my surfboard in the endless storm.… continue reading
The Value of our Distress
I equate “value” with “quality” and both of these with the right hand side of the brain.… continue reading
Let me Keep my Feet
In the world we’ve made, the hyphen between I and Thou becomes a surf-board, the hyphen-rider poised, precarious at all times.… continue reading
The Establishing of Ground
The reference here is to a book and an image I keep referring to. It is called “I and Thou” and is by Martin Buber. Buber compares two essential ways of reaching out beyond the Self to meet the world : one is I – It (my object) and the other I – Thou (my…