In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Day: August 25, 2012

  • Here is a book of poems


    Here is the online version of “Riding the Hyphen,” a book of some of my poems. It comes free of charge. The hard copy version costs £10.  To order one, email me. Now for some background, beginning with a definition of the verb “to publish” :  simply to bring forth and scatter about. For, even…

  • Fable 3 – Opening to the Stranger


    This is the third installment of “Fables and Reflections” Fable Three is called “Opening to the Stranger.” It explores our relationship with the unfamiliar or unusual, with whatever seems new or strange. The first and second installments (see earlier posts below) provided links to an Introduction, Fable One, Fable Two and Anchorite poems. Each piece takes…