Category: Community
Freedom of the Press does not mean Free Speech
With Leveson now published, and much debate on the subject being reported, I think it is worth pointing out that the Internet is not the only elephant in the room in these discussions. So long as newspapers are owned by super-rich oligarchs, ex-pornographers and the like, and mirror or reflect in any way the views…
The Resignation of Denis MacShane
Denis MacShane was Minister for Europe under Tony Blair. He brought a wider and more cultured vision and experience to that role than many politicians and activists ever get near, at least in this country. For instance, he translated into English a Brecht poem for “Poems on the Underground”. He also responded positively to a…
Where is the Church ? I don’t see it anywhere.
The Anglican Church is having trouble deciding whether to introduce women bishops. Within the Church, there have been agitation, discussion and arguments over the move for ages. It is possible that, outside the Church, very few people would have any interest whatsoever, in either the arguments or in the development. By which I do not…
The “Poems for…” project – a new collection has been uploaded , crossing new frontiers
A new collection of mainly bilingual poems has been uploaded on the Poems for… website. It consists of sixty poems, most of them bilingual. Eventually this sixty will join and become one with the collection of forty five poems launched a few years ago, called “Poems for… One World.” The new collection has taken three…
Talking of Art – why write poetry ?
Someone asked me recently for my thoughts on why I still seem to write poetry, despite everything. This was my reply : …I think a lot of your day can flood out your sense of self. Writing a poem is a way of restoring your own distinctness and boundaries. The world can silence you. The…
And what is Art for, then ?
For the first time on this blog, on this New Year’s Day, I want simply to report on something I did recently. I’m proud of it, but am also still absorbing what it meant. Half way through December, I ran a “Mental Health Arts” evening in a church assembly room, part of an inner-city church…