Category: free speech
Words for an Earthquake
The United Kingdom has left the EU. We have vacated our seat at the high table and it is laid now for just 27 places. We’ve “got it done.” Or “gone and done it.” In recognition of the significance of this momentous step we’ve taken, whatever it may mean, I am uploading here a selection…
At Last the Toad Reveals Himself
The other night, in Sheffield, there was a BBC Question-Time session, in which the audience was able to question four UK political leaders in turn, only one of whom is a worthy leader, the one not eligible to be the Prime Minister. Nicola Sturgeon’s presence there was puzzling but useful as a reminder of true…
The Parrot Considers the Right Wing Press
The right wing press were chorusing their criticism of Parliament for doing its duty in examining the work of our dodgy Executive and holding it to account. According to the press, MP’s were betraying “the will of the People” by not rubber-stamping what Mr Toad has come up with – however misinformed that same People…
The Toad Speak of Truth as a Cage
Further thoughts on the felon’s need to lie, to keep something hidden, or maybe just to replace boring old reality with the comfort and excitement of one’s own creation.… continue reading
The Parrot Studies Mr Toad
Last night, the UK’s new “Prime Minister” lost both his (tiny) majority and a significant vote in the House of Commons, in which a number of Tories rebelled against the hoodlum hit squad presently masquerading as the nation’s Tory government. The rebels should be honoured for that. But Mr Toad is gaming for power, with…
The Parrot Repetitive
The parrot in his cage is sitting pretty, hanging on tight. Meanwhile, Mr Toad is enjoying himself in the chaos he’s been allowed to stir up. Chaos is Toad’s element. It tends to follow him, with cameras. Presumably those who’ve granted Toad this scope find chaos fun as well. The first few lines here contain…
The Caged Parrot Watches the Demons Dance
This piece returns to a preoccupation of my own, concerning language. What is the point of writing, the point of taking a position and then articulating it ? And of course that leads to the question, why keep writing these stanzas, these mere words amid all the bizarre and frantic and disastrous political action going…
The Parrot Speaks of the Democratic Covenant
A private prosecution has been taken out against Boris Johnson MP, for claims he made during the 2016 EU referendum. After 3 years of preparation, it had its first hearing in private a few days ago. For an example of the Press coverage, see…/boris-johnson-could-be-challenged-in-court… Essentially, if the judge agrees that there is a case…