In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: General

  • Nothing Clear


    The first line of this is a direct quote from a long satire in rhyme royal stanzas by the poet John Skelton, writing in the early part of the reign of Henry 8th. The rest is a description of where we seem to be at the moment. … continue reading

  • Complaint to the Pilot


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    The lines quoted above come from a book-length poem by Cahit Koytak, a distinguished Turkish poet. In Turkish, the poem is called ‘Gazze Risalesi’ and addresses two Josephs in turn, one a Palestinian boy exposed to the bombing of Gaza, and the other an Israeli young man, a bomber pilot. Cahit Koytak talks to them…

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  • A Brief Word from the Parrot


    Let the Parrot have a brief word from the top of his tower, that cage with a view, overlooking a nation still suffering from its flood of lies. (for the reference, see ‘Parrot Addenda‘ in the right hand margin of this home page !) It looks as if, at last, Mr Toad (of a newly…

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    The sand martin is usually the first of the martins to arrive in the UK, after migrating from Africa. The house martins and swallows come soon after. The sand martin is even smaller than the house and their markings look similar, at least from a distance, at least to someone who knows as little as…

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