In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: Poetry

  • Talking of Art – why write poetry ?


    Someone asked me recently for my thoughts on why  I still seem to write poetry, despite everything. This was my reply : …I think a lot of your day can flood out your sense of self. Writing a poem is a way of restoring your own distinctness and boundaries. The world can silence you. The…

  • And what is Art for, then ?


    For the first time on this blog, on this New Year’s Day, I want simply to report on something I did recently. I’m proud of it, but am also still absorbing what it meant. Half way through December, I ran a “Mental Health Arts” evening in a church assembly room, part of an inner-city church…

  • Augustin stands…


    sculpture by Dorothy Love at proposition… continue reading

  • Red Squirrels


    … continue reading

  • Owl with Busted Helmet


    sculpture by Dorothy Love at… continue reading