Category: Poetry
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Moles Poem
Moles I must keep a close watch on the mole-hills clustered around the fences of my house. I feel sure there’ll come a time when moles will emerge from those surprisingly massive eruptions of earth they’ve created – and each will be carrying binoculars and waving a flag. And the flags will not be white…
Here is another of those Rhyme Royal stanzas. Mr Toad of Toad Hall is, of course, a character in Wind in the Willows, that famous Edwardian children’s story by Kenneth Grahame. Any suggestion that Alex Johnson, our disgraced and disgraceful recent Prime Minister, might remind me of Mr Toad, or that this Rhyme Royal recurrence…
Putin’s Mind
It is hard to put yourself in Putin’s mind. But how hard ? Is it impossible ? Maybe not. He looks out at the world and is much concerned with maintaining control and his own footing and security there. Consequently, he has always been pre-occupied with strengthening and extending borders, creating safe distance between him…
Poems for the Wall
I haven’t mentioned this project here for a while. I started it over twenty years ago, now. Both of the following two statements are true : it remains what it has always been – very much a one-man-band ; but also, and from the beginning, it has received help and support from a wide range…
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