Category: Political Leadership
He Overhears some Afterthoughts
In the UK, the local elections have just taken place, and the Tories did very badly and Labour just did badly. But that’s serious for Labour and for the rest of us. Labour should surely be a coming force by now, after month upon month of this worst of governments. Maybot and the Boy Jez…
The Parrot on Fault-lines
This stanza was written on the day the Labour Party’s National Executive decided to support a second referendum on Brexit – but only in particular circumstances, all unlikely. Jez and a sufficient number of his adherents were clearly still keen on being seen to be “honouring” the result of the first referendum of 2016. That…
The Parrot Advises on Leadership
This stanza offers some general thoughts on leadership and the part it plays – or fails to play. But it is also based on the specific image of the UK House of Commons, in which the Party of Government and the Party of Opposition face one another across the aisle. Neither of the present leaders…