In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: The Lie

  • Parrot Writes a Letter


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  • Parrot on the People’s March


    The people marching in London today were without a prime minister, or a leader of the opposition, or for that matter an effective political party to represent their interests. With jumped up fantasists from the bottom league running this nation, the people out on the streets today were giants and restored the nation’s honour, reminding…

  • Parrot Counts the Cost of Youth


    It struck me hard yesterday, that issues that are dominating our lives (or at least mine – unhealthily so)  – such as Trumplestiltskin in America, Brexitosis in the UK – appalling both – are actually just inexcusable distractions from issues and crisis far larger and more important – for instance global warming and mass extinctions…

  • Parrot’s Cage


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  • Parrot speaks to the 2-Bit mobsters


    This latest parrot stanza refers to Theresa May’s encounter with the EU leaders in Salzburg yesterday and “The Sun’s” headline which appeared yesterday evening. It said : “EU DIRTY RATS – The SUN SAYS we can’t wait to free ourselves of the two-bit mobsters who run the European Union.” “The Sun” is owned by the…

  • Satan at Meat


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  • The Parrot Seeks a Cage


    Here is that parrot again, bird of paradise, thundering from his cage in rhyme royal, claiming his liberty to speak his truth. He fears for his young and sees no true or worthy leaders anywhere, merely creatures of self-interest seeking their own gain from our flounderings in the valley of the shadow… Or put it…

  • Lying to a Sovereign People is a crime of High Treason.


      A few days ago, my partner pointed her rather basic smart phone in the direction of my aging mug and held the phone there, with amazing steadiness, while I talked at it for the next three minutes. I argued that, if a holder of public office, or applicant for public office, or candidate for…