In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: The State of the Labour Party

  • UK Election – Parrot Prognosis


    Thinking of the election due later this coming week, and of the likeliest result, I fear for the parrot. “He speaks all languages aptly,” wrote Skelton, implying that the parrot hears everything and can keep nothing out. So what will be swirling about in his brain by Friday morning ?… continue reading

  • The Parrot from on High Speaks of Democracy


    As our General Election continues, and in the light of much of its content, we might ask this question : what is the difference between an election and an auction ? Answer 1 : at an auction, cheats need to be more careful than at an election, as we punters get a better chance to…

  • The Parrot Views the Earth from Afar


    The UK General Election presently in progress begs the question whether there is any difference in quality of democratic process between a Referendum and an Election. Both seem to involve a lot of lying at high volume, a lot of propaganda ditto, and various other forms of manipulation and trickery – whatever their perpetrators can…

  • The Parrot Reports on the Launch of a Toad


    What’s that I see up there in the sky ? Is it a bird ? Is it a plane ? oh no ! It’s a high-flying, high-lying Hoodlum Toad ! Just as I was uploading this, it was being reported that the Toad was going to press for a December General Election. … continue reading

  • The Parrot in the Ring of Chaos


    This stanza was written just one day after the event it describes – the Labour Conference vote on campaigning for Remain. That event seemed significant for at least a few hours. But the following day’s judgement by the Supreme Court was so much more significant and – still finishing this stanza – I felt that…

  • The Parrot Reflects on Whether Jez has Worth


    This stanza was written on September 22nd, near the beginning of this year’s Labour Party Conference. We had heard a bit more by now about the party leadership’s attempt at short notice to dispense with Tom Watson’s services as Deputy Leader of the Party. The judgement seemed to be that Corbyn must have been in…

  • The Parrot is Witness to an Attempted Stabbing


    “The Stabbing” in the title above is of course a reference to Jon Lansman’s (mostly unsuccessful) attempt to render the Labour Party’s Deputy Leader Tom Watson null and void. Jon Lansman founded the “Momentum” organisation. He is on the Labour Party Executive Committee and a Corbyn supporter. He made his move without warning and as…

  • The Parrot and the Elephant


    This piece was written a few days after Mr Johnson became Prime Minister. Mr Toad seemed quite puffed up by now, that jolly mop on top sticking out in all directions. He was centre stage and the cameras were following him everywhere. And again we kept hearing that “Labour Must…” And “Now’s the Time…” but…