Category: Truth Telling
The Parrot on the Quality of Clay
The key-word here seemed to be “constructions.” We construct so much – thoughts, arguments, theories and views, no less than buildings, machines, policies, laws and stories… Yet do we pause and check very carefully the materials used for those constructions ? Are they sound ? Are the foundations on which they are based trustworthy, honest…
Jez and John and the Little Weed
There’s Jez and John and the Final Say. And there’s Bill and Ben and the Little Weed. Bill and Ben were Flowerpot Men and belong with Listen with Mother in the nurseries of the past, along with the Little Weed. And Jez Corbyn and John McDonnell ? Where do they belong ?… continue reading
Boy Jez and the Die-Hards
Jez seems to believe that The Many should be listened to, only so long as he is one of them. Now, as one of The Few, he weighs his words like all the other members of that club, and The Many have to look behind his words to decipher what he really means and then…
An English Word of Apology to Europe
Yesterday, Mr Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, said in a speech :“The facts are unmistakable. Today, there is no political force and no effective leadership for Remain. I say this without satisfaction, but you can’t argue with the facts.” And : “I have been wondering what that special place in hell looks like…