In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

The Parrot Goes to Glastonbury


The 2019 Glastonbury music festival is now behind us. The parrot attended, at least in spirit. Then he came home and read this article in The Independent.…/brexit-jeremy-corbyn-len-mc… It suggests that, out here in the present-day world, what goes on in dear old Len Mcluskey”s tent/castle/head-harbour-of-the-past seemed to be having an immoderate affect upon Corbyn’s position and actions over Brexit, and hence on the present and future of very many people, above all the nation’s young.  

Wallace Stevens is an American poet. Years ago, I read his long poem “The Man with the Blue Guitar.” It keeps returning to the phrase “things as they are” and the phrase has stayed with me ever since. The Facts of the Matter. How It Is as opposed to how I dream or want or lie it to be. The Truth. Reality. Creation. Things as they Are.