In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: Europe

  • An English Word of Apology to Europe


    Yesterday, Mr Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, said in a speech :“The facts are unmistakable. Today, there is no political force and no effective leadership for Remain. I say this without satisfaction, but you can’t argue with the facts.” And : “I have been wondering what that special place in hell looks like…

  • How Chaos Multiplied


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  • The Parrot Weeps for the Lost


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  • Plain Words from the Cage


    The balloons are a Bristol image, since hot-air balloons often appear above the city. I ought to say, though, that whatever fills the Bristol balloons does not appear to be foul.… continue reading

  • Jez Labours


    Did the young see Jez aright ? Or, in their disillusion with the status quo, were they projecting all their hope onto a blank screen, seeing Jez wrongly as somehow an answer, seeing colour on the screen, which is actually not there ? For Jez is not very colourful. And perhaps he needs that status…

  • Maybot in Harness


    Headline in “The Guardian” January 21st : “May claims EU second referendum would threaten ‘social cohesion’ ”… continue reading

  • Parrot on Planting


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  • Cage Alight


    We in Britain are groping about in a strange country, which just happens to be our own. What next ? Where next ? And what has just occured ? Two days ago, May’s deal was voted down by an enormous margin. Yesterday, she survived (not by that much) a vote of no confidence. Has anything…