Category: Europe
The Gods at War, Following a Murder
May’s “deal” was voted down last night after the heaviest governmental defeat in history. Released from the ghastly, grinding and disgraceful progress of her inadequate deal, are we freer now to resolve things a reparative way, or will the hopeless nonsense of this poisonous issue merely change its shape, and muliply its warring elements ?……
Maybot’s Standing
This stanza was written on a Monday morning, after “The Guardian” quoted a speech Theresa May is due to make today. It includes this sentence : “I ask MPs to consider the consequences of their actions on the faith of the British people in our democracy.” Tomorrow her “deal” is expected to be voted down in…
Parrot at the Breach
The first line is a direct quote from Skelton’s poem “Speak, Parrot”… continue reading
Jez and the Worship of Self
Jez is a fundamentalist. He abides by the iron rules that keep his head together, and have done all his life. He dare not break free. The nation pays for his incapacity, amongst so much we are paying for just now – including humankind’s inability to bear very much reality.… continue reading
The Parrot, the Maybot and No Deal
Will our troops be allowed to fraternise with the “enemy” over Christmas ? The content management of my blog has been “updated” by remote. I still haven’t got the hang of most of the changes. One of them is that every time I make a small editorial alteration, those people who are notified of a…