In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: Europe

  • The Parrot is Witness to an Attempted Stabbing


    “The Stabbing” in the title above is of course a reference to Jon Lansman’s (mostly unsuccessful) attempt to render the Labour Party’s Deputy Leader Tom Watson null and void. Jon Lansman founded the “Momentum” organisation. He is on the Labour Party Executive Committee and a Corbyn supporter. He made his move without warning and as…

  • Mr Toad Makes a Furtive Connection


    The reference here, of course, is to the announced intention of Mr Johnsons’s government to increase the number of the country’s jails, already very high and yet short staffed, so that even more people can be imprisoned and people jailed for certain crimes can serve their full sentences. This despite finding after finding that jail…

  • The Toad Falls Foul of the Law


    The UK’s Supreme Court has just finished hearing the Government’s appeal against the Scottish High Court’s finding that Johnson misled the Queen as to his reasons for closing down the Parliament. It was not a matter of creating more time to prepare the Queen’s Speech. Instead it was to stop parliamentary scrutiny of his Brexit…

  • The Parrot Takes Stock of the Flotsam Hulk


    When this was written, Mr Johnson had just come back from a meeting with some EU representatives, who had the unenviable task of being adult to his juvenile. Before going, he gave a jolly (though pernicious) description of himself as the “Incredible Hulk,” a character from the world of comics. And then off he greenly…

  • The Parrot, the Lie and an Aging Queen


    Here is a second reference to the picture above, which shows Mr Johnson, the lying toad now leading and representing this country, bowing humbly and treacherously to the UK Head of State and symbol of the UK Constitution, another of our representatives across the world. The picture becomes more and more potent a symbol of…

  • Mr Toad Refers to the Tower


    Our chaos, outside and inside, whirls about so fast that I forget what day it was more stuff happened. Maybe it was two days ago that we heard that Prime Minister Johnson’s advice to the Queen, that parliament should be closed down for several weeks, has been deemed illegal by the Scottish High Court. They…

  • The Ravening Mr Toad


    This stanza was written on the morning of the day in September 2019 on which the UK parliament was shut down for several crucial weeks, at the behest of Mr Johnson and his streamlined cohorts. Johnson’s excuse for abusing the constitution in this fashion was yet another of his lazily blatant lies, into which –…

  • The Parrot Watches Another Circus Act


    Events are taking place at a speed even more bewildering than “usual.” The references in this latest stanza, uploaded Sunday 8th September, already feel bit old as I write this, even though the events they refer to took place only days ago. Johnson began this last week as if starting a general election campaign. Then,…