In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: The press

  • The Lying Toad is Back, the Tousled Look, the Winning Smirk, Our Leader…


    The prose piece that follows begins with the mismatch in the UK, between the present Prime Minister’s relative popularity on the one hand, and his long established disregard for the Nolan Principles of ethical conduct on the other. The piece provides a reminder that our Prime Minister has previously been sacked twice for lying  and…

  • The Parrot from on High Speaks of Democracy


    As our General Election continues, and in the light of much of its content, we might ask this question : what is the difference between an election and an auction ? Answer 1 : at an auction, cheats need to be more careful than at an election, as we punters get a better chance to…

  • The Parrot Considers the Right Wing Press


    The right wing press were chorusing their criticism of Parliament for doing its duty in examining the work of our dodgy Executive and holding it to account. According to the press, MP’s were betraying “the will of the People” by not rubber-stamping what Mr Toad has come up with – however misinformed that same People…

  • The Parrot Speaks of the Democratic Covenant


    A private prosecution has been taken out against Boris Johnson MP, for claims he made during the 2016 EU referendum. After 3 years of preparation, it had its first hearing in private a few days ago. For an example of the Press coverage, see…/boris-johnson-could-be-challenged-in-court… Essentially, if the judge agrees that there is a case…

  • Parrot at the Breach


    The first line is a direct quote from Skelton’s poem “Speak, Parrot”… continue reading

  • The Parrot Calls for Order


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  • Brexit Reviewed


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  • Parrot on the People’s March


    The people marching in London today were without a prime minister, or a leader of the opposition, or for that matter an effective political party to represent their interests. With jumped up fantasists from the bottom league running this nation, the people out on the streets today were giants and restored the nation’s honour, reminding…