Category: Theresa May
Words for an Earthquake
The United Kingdom has left the EU. We have vacated our seat at the high table and it is laid now for just 27 places. We’ve “got it done.” Or “gone and done it.” In recognition of the significance of this momentous step we’ve taken, whatever it may mean, I am uploading here a selection…
Lost in the chaos of present events, we – or something in us – look to leadership for orientation, guidance and comfort. And the same something perhaps assumes that, the worse the crisis, the better that leadership must be and rescue is on the way. And assumes as well that, in this chaos, our own…
The Parrot Brings us Up to Date
Key to references in case any are needed : 1/ The minotaur is Trump who has just paid a State Visit to the UK. 2/ The Maybot is Theresa May (I didn’t coin that one, of course) who seems to have resigned as UK Prime Minister recently, at the kind request of her Party, the…
The Parrot on Maybot and the Minotaur
This stanza is obviously about Trump’s State Visit to the UK, already started. It is astonishing the space we in this country continue to give to blatant felony and the lie and to the creatures thereof. The more space we give them, of course, the more they grow, like Tiddalick the frog. Is this visit…
He Speaks of Brexit as a Raging Fever
This was written on the morning of the EU elections, in which the Tories had been keen not to take part. The Guardian had described the day before as a “torrid day” for Theresa May and her resignation was now expected at any moment. Not a good day for the Tories to face an election.…
The Parrot Speaks of the Democratic Covenant
A private prosecution has been taken out against Boris Johnson MP, for claims he made during the 2016 EU referendum. After 3 years of preparation, it had its first hearing in private a few days ago. For an example of the Press coverage, see…/boris-johnson-could-be-challenged-in-court… Essentially, if the judge agrees that there is a case…
He Overhears some Afterthoughts
In the UK, the local elections have just taken place, and the Tories did very badly and Labour just did badly. But that’s serious for Labour and for the rest of us. Labour should surely be a coming force by now, after month upon month of this worst of governments. Maybot and the Boy Jez…