Category: Theresa May
Parrot Peers at Democracy
Michael Heseltine for Prime Minister – and Leader of the Opposition at the same time –… continue reading
Jez Hoeing
This Tuesday, a significant vote will take place in the Commons. The work Theresa May and many another have spent the last two years (expensively) preparing, this dubious “deal” she has struck for dividing the UK from the EU, will either pass or fail to pass. The consequences of either decision will be momentous, and…
The Bird of Paradise Danced Last Night
The poet John Skelton lived in the reign of Henry 8th. He apparently wrote his satirical poem “Speak, Parrot” in the precincts of Westminster, from the sanctuary still precariously available in the minster there. In the poem, Galathea is a lady in waiting who plies the parrot with almonds and dates, as she tries to…
The Soaring Bird
The soaring bird did ok last night. It soared all round the Clifton branch of Waterstones. So did the name of the late Pat Boyden, to whom the book is dedicated. Even Maybot and the American Minotaur made an appearance, since this is the world we live in now, but they were each well…
Parrot on the People’s March
The people marching in London today were without a prime minister, or a leader of the opposition, or for that matter an effective political party to represent their interests. With jumped up fantasists from the bottom league running this nation, the people out on the streets today were giants and restored the nation’s honour, reminding…