Category: Tories
The Parrot Considers the Right Wing Press
The right wing press were chorusing their criticism of Parliament for doing its duty in examining the work of our dodgy Executive and holding it to account. According to the press, MP’s were betraying “the will of the People” by not rubber-stamping what Mr Toad has come up with – however misinformed that same People…
The Parrot Examines the Use of Words
The previous Saturday had been billed as yet another “crunch” Brexit day, and I had been ready to face the worst. But, as things turned out, the Toad was left frustrated on that occasion. Today, however, another crunch had come. Anxiety had returned. Was Brexit truly a set of developments that might still happen, probably…
The Parrot Lectures to Himself
This was written on Sunday 20th. Saturday’s huge demonstration in London was still being digested. But would it have any impact ? The right wing propaganda rags had gone beserk in their Sunday issues, more concerned with Parliament’s defiance of the Toad than anything the march might imply. Courage had been shown in the House,…
The Parrot’s Third Lecture
The stanza was written on Saturday 19th October, yet another of those “crunch days.” Another enormous march took place in London, in support of a “Final say ” referendum. On the same day, Prime Minister Johnson had been expected to present his Brexit “agreement” to parliament, giving it virtually no opportunity to peruse the detail.…
The Parrot Gives a Lecture
When this stanza was written, the UK’s Mr Toad was still working to meet the deadline for his “deal” for Brexit. A deal achieved in a matter of days, following all sorts of disgraceful and hooligan goings-on, such as unlawfully proroguing Parliament, etc. And the EU seemed to be co-operating with him in this horrendous…
The Parrot Finds Himself Ahead of the Law
Has the parrot started confusing himself with Dr Who ? And his cage with the Tardis ? One thought here is that – post computers and social media etc – we are settlers in the new country, the new world, which these discoveries have made for us. Essentially, we are still strangers in it and…
Eye to Eye with a Right Hon Toad
This latest stanza was written after news came though yesterday evening that Damian Green MP had spoken with Mr Toad MP, Prime Minister, “eye to eye” and been reassured by the Toad’s word on it. But Mr Toad does not have a word. Does Mr Green ? See the link to the relevant article here. …
The Parrot Mourns, the Bell Tolling
It’s become a truism that, following the 2016 EU referendum, the UK has been split essentially in half. The “Leave” half – if half is what it is – is “led” now by an Etonian felon. It seems very possible, even likely, that – post-Brexit – the country will fragment yet further, from small ship…