In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Category: Truth Telling

  • An English Word of Apology to Europe


    Yesterday, Mr Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, said in a speech :“The facts are unmistakable. Today, there is no political force and no effective leadership for Remain. I say this without satisfaction, but you can’t argue with the facts.” And : “I have been wondering what that special place in hell looks like…

  • The Parrot Speaks of Fre-dom


    In the fourteenth century, Geoffrey Chaucer introduced Rhyme Royal to English poetry and all these stanzas of mine about Brexit share that long established rhyme scheme. And Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales and one of those is “The Franklin’s Tale” which I love. And that’s where this medieval word “fre” keeps appearing, later to become…

  • How Chaos Multiplied


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  • The Parrot Weeps for the Lost


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  • The Parrot and the Lie


    This stanza was written late on the night of January 30th, when the Commons debated a series of amendments, at least one of which might have resulted in Parliament wresting control of the Brexit process from May’s Tory government. That result failed to materialise. Instead, the Tories enjoyed some rare moments of apparent unity. They…

  • Plain Words from the Cage


    The balloons are a Bristol image, since hot-air balloons often appear above the city. I ought to say, though, that whatever fills the Bristol balloons does not appear to be foul.… continue reading

  • Jez Labours


    Did the young see Jez aright ? Or, in their disillusion with the status quo, were they projecting all their hope onto a blank screen, seeing Jez wrongly as somehow an answer, seeing colour on the screen, which is actually not there ? For Jez is not very colourful. And perhaps he needs that status…

  • Maybot in Harness


    Headline in “The Guardian” January 21st : “May claims EU second referendum would threaten ‘social cohesion’ ”… continue reading