In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk
  • Trace a Fraught Frontier

    Where’s the fraught frontier between

    Mercia and East Anglia ? Guards were stationed here

    gazing out from within. And within

    was somewhere to die for. And without

    was someone to kill. I explored it once,

    that fraught frontier, now footpath

    between nettles. It was sunday

    and Cambridge families were out walking there

    after a good lunch.

    And where’s

    the fraught frontier between Wales

    and the Marches ? Along the rivers

    and escarpments, where the great dyke is,

    and where King Edward’s sentries pace

    to and fro behind his walls,

    those battlements, those helmets.

    They attract significant income these days

    for the Tourist Board.

    And where’s

    the fraught frontier between my innocence,

    and your guilt, my dread

    and your threat, that roar

    of hooves across the Steppes

    towards my heart’s core ?

    Let me

    touch your shoulder, stranger.

    I mean you no harm. Might you

    cup my cheek, enquiringly ?



    Rogan Wolf


  • To Stand upon the Earth

    This is the last of a daily succession of poems I’ve been uploading “from our seclusion.” They are all excerpts from two series of poems I wrote in the 1990’s, one on Martin Buber’s concept of I-Thou, the other on Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow. They belong together, I think, in some way.

    The original poems can be found on the right hand side of the home page of this blog.

    Our personal – and in the UK our national – seclusion is set to continue. What next. ?


  • The True, the Between, the Forming

    This is the penultimate seclusion song of this series, in which the hyphen between I and Thou has alternated each day with the shadow.


  • Learning to Dance with my Shadow that Haunts me

    Shall I teach my shadow how I like to dance ? Or must I learn the dance-steps my shadow knows ? Or should we learn a new dance, altogether ? 


  • The Deployment of Force

    Still on the subject of feet and their deployment, I ask myself this question : where am I to stand in the hallways of The Lie ? Here is my answer : on the hyphen between I and Thou, my surfboard in the endless storm.


  • Making the Earth Whole

    The voice of truth is bound to be a lonely one. That would seem to be a rule in human life.  For a race in question, it spells disaster.

    These three articles are worth reading, if you have not already read them :

    From the BBC 

    From the Independent 

    From today’s Observer 

