In all our sanctuaries we sit at risk

Tag: Jeremy Corbyn

  • Jez and the New Jerusalem


    … continue reading

  • Parrot Peers at Democracy


    Michael Heseltine for Prime Minister – and Leader of the Opposition at the same time –… continue reading

  • Jez Hoeing


    This Tuesday, a significant vote will take place in the Commons. The work Theresa May and many another have spent the last two years (expensively) preparing, this dubious “deal” she has struck for dividing the UK from the EU, will either pass or fail to pass. The consequences of either decision will be momentous, and…

  • The Soaring Bird


      The soaring bird did ok last night. It soared all round the Clifton branch of Waterstones. So did the name of the late Pat Boyden, to whom the book is dedicated. Even Maybot and the American Minotaur made an appearance, since this is the world we live in now, but they were each well…

  • Parrot Addenda


    Since the Summer of 2018, I have been writing a series of stanzas in rhyme royal, mostly on the subject of Brexit. Each has been written as a separate item, rather than as part of a longer poem. They were produced in response to, and often very soon after, various events and announcements that occurred…

  • Jes in Yearnland


    Everything about the UK’s Brexit Agon smells of rot. For a start, the whole EU issue is fundamentally irrelevant and absurd, compared to the many truly urgent concerns that need our immediate, whole and best attention. We face real ills and they harm and threaten us. The EU is not, and never was, the cause…